Testing Rails generators with ease.

October 30, 2020

Rails generator is a tool provided by the Rails framework to reduce the human effort of doing redundant manual things by automating the workflow.

We use Rails generator all the time. Like, when you run rails new <project_name> it behind the scenes use Rails generator. Similarly, when you install a new gem, some of the gems provide the generator to make installation and configuring the gem easier.

Refer: Creating and Customizing Rails Generators & Templates guide to create generators.

Problem statement & motivation

To install Action Text into the application, you run rails action_text:install. The installer was recently moved from Rails template to a generator. After moving to the generator we encountered some issues in the generator like: #39128, #37823, #40184 which weren’t caught in the early stage of development.

This was my motivation for looking into writing test cases for Rails generator. PR: #39317

Adding test cases for generators which normally only creates a new file in the system are very easy. For example, the migration generator. Migration generator adds a file called db/<timestamp>_name.rb and test cases would assert the generation of the file. Writing test cases for generators which configures files into a Rails application was a bit of challenge until we explore that area.

Let learn it with an example here. Let assume we are writing a test case for a generator that adds Bootstrap in the application. The generator would look something like:

module Bootstrap
  module Install
    class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
      desc "Adds Bootstrap to the application"
      source_root File.expand_path("templates", __dir__)

      def add_bootstrap_package
        say "Adding bootstrap packages", :green
        run "yarn add bootstrap jquery popper.js"

      def import_bootstrap_stylesheet_in_application_scss

      def import_bootstrap_javascript_in_application_js


To add Bootstrap in the application you require following files and these needs to be present when Bootstrap generator runs in the test cases.

  • package.json to install NPM package.
  • Webpacker configured.
  • application.js bundled via webpack.
  • application.scss bundled via webpack.
require "test_helper"

class BootstrapInstallGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
  destination File.expand_path("../tmp", __dir__)
  setup :prepare_destination
  tests Bootstrap::Install::InstallGenerator

  def test_should_add_bootstrap_npm_package

    assert_file "package.json" do |content|
      assert_match(/popper/, content)
      assert_match(/bootstrap/, content)
      assert_match(/jquery/, content)

Running the above test cases will fail with following error:

Expected file "package.json" to exist, but does not

To tackle this problem we will create a simple Rails application on setup and run the generator within the dummy application.

  • Add a simple Rails application in the template: tmp/templates/app_template.
  • Add a generator helper that would build the application on setup. The helper has build_app helper method which copies the Rails template app in the temp directory. The generator also defines some path helper methods to easily find the application, app_template.
ROOT_PATH = File.expand_path("../", __dir__)

module GeneratorHelper
  def app_template_path
    File.join ROOT_PATH, "tmp/templates/app_template"

  def tmp_path(*args)
    @tmp_path ||= File.realpath(Dir.mktmpdir(nil, File.join(ROOT_PATH, "tmp")))
    File.join(@tmp_path, *args)

  def app_path(*args)
    path = tmp_path(*%w[app] + args)
    if block_given?
      yield path

  def build_app
    FileUtils.cp_r(app_template_path, app_path)

  def teardown_app
  • Now the last thing to do is update the test cases to setup the application and run generator within the application namespace.
require "test_helper"

class BootstrapInstallGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
  include GeneratorHelper

  tests Bootstrap::Install::InstallGenerator
  setup :build_app
  teardown :teardown_app

  def test_should_add_bootstrap_npm_package
    Dir.chdir(app_path) do

      assert_file "package.json" do |content|
        assert_match(/popper/, content)
        assert_match(/bootstrap/, content)
        assert_match(/jquery/, content)

Voila. The test cases for Bootstrap generator should be passing now.

Happy Coding!!